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March 09, 2010


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Becky Williams

These are all adorable. That collection is so much fun and I am anxious to play with my little chickie stamps!


WOW! Those are fantastic!


I LOVE the eggs!


So cute! I remembered the eggs at CHA! Fabulous!

Melanie Blackburn

These are so fabulous!! I can't wait to get my hands on that collection.

Jamie Harder

Oh my gosh...so cute!! Love the hanging eggs:-)

Sheri Feypel

The gift bag is soooo cute! Well, it all is actually! Thanks!

Erika M

How very lovely!

rebekah lane

love the eggs! how super cute! maybe i should have left my mini christmas tree up so i could decorate it just with those for easter... Mmmmm.. crazy idea but i like it! :)

Allyson Meinholz

Awesome Eggs . . . .I think I recongnize the tree - LOVE mine!!!
(from PB)

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