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November 19, 2010


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Julie Bonner

Love this!!!! Fabulous idea Kimber :)

Becky Williams

This is so wonderful, Kimber!

Carol (ScrapMomOf2)

I love, love, love this! Just gorgeous!


this is wonderful... it's just so sweet and simple... I will have to try this!!! Thanks!

Aly Dosdall

kimber, this totally rocks!! i love it!


Wow - I love this!!


LOVE this!! thanks for the inspiration- I really wanna make one for our family now :D

Lisa W

LOVE this!!! DD & I are going to work on this for our weekend project! Thanks so much!!

javagirl aka liz

/What a sweet project

Denise Coulter

What an amazing advent calendar!!! I need to make one for my kids.


Oh Kimber I LOVE it! Thanks for sharing :) I have been looking for one for inspiration and may have found it :D t/u

Rhonda V.

I love this calendar, it's just adorable!!!

Suzy Gray

such a great project Kimber thanks for sharing

Melanie Blackburn

Kimber, this is fabulous!!!!

manders aka amanda

Great Idea
Thanks again for the giveaway

Erika M

Really loving this advent calendar!

Melissa B.

This is wicked cute Kimber - I might be lifting this!!!




this is the coolest advent calendar ever!!! I love it!!

Mandie W

This is super cute!I may have to steal this ;)

Cassandra aka Scrap Savvy

This is brilliant Kimber! So adorable and practical!


AMAZING Kimber...love love! what a clever idea girl!!!


I love this project. I would fill each pocket with a tag. On each tag could be a holiday activity to do as a family such as making your own cards, baking for a neighbor, giving to the food bank etc. Lots of fun!!!


love everything about this. it looks great and fun to do. thank you.

Sandra ltb

very cute!

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