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January 04, 2011


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These are both such clever and cool ideas. Love them and want to try them. Thank you

Aly Dosdall

juliana, that clock is SOO cool!!


Wow! I love the clock idea!


these projects are absolutely amazing girls!!! Awesomeness :D

Melanie Blackburn

WOW!!! Girls these are FAB!

Karen Nuce

these are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!

Jan m

Thank you for the download! Great projects!!


Love that calendar Aly!!!

heather garl

Wow...that clock is so creative!


Wow! I love that clock!!!! Thanks also for the calendar PDF!


Very, very cool projects! I can't decide which one inspires me more! Thanks for the PDF!

Lillian Child

That clock idea is AMAZING - I can see using kitchen papers, masculine/sports papers, even baby paper to create a special gift. I've shared this on my blog and told my followers to come and check out Jillibean!


Erika M

What fabulous projects!

scrapper al

These are such wonderful projects. I especially like the clock.

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