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June 30, 2011


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Karen keiper

love those corrugated butterflies

mary pat

awesome inspiration today!

Ruth S

Great pages - esp Wendy's fab tag layering. Thanks for the inspiration as ever ;)

Annette A.

Amazing page layouts...so sweet..
Thanks for sharing and happy Thursday..

Court's Crafts

Very sweet layouts!!


So much gorgeous eye candy!! I love your collections and what the team does with them!!

Michel Espey

Can't wait to see more of the new line.

craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

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Good stuff! Make sure you come back tomorrow to see if you've won the Homemade 6 Bean collection....remember, all you have to do is leave a comment for a chance. Have a fantastic day!

Tina m

Love this new line! Thanks for sharing the creativity! My birthday was a couple days ago, ooohhhh winning would be an oh so sweet belated to me......Happy 4th to you all!

Sav O'G

Fabulous LOs shared today--might be casing some of them:)

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