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June 27, 2012


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They're great! You can never have enough alpha's!


Those are super. I love the denim ones!


I adore these alphabets, they're the perfect size and I'm so pleased to see even more colours, as you say you can never have enough of these

Julie Comeau

Wow love those boys colors. Need them. Thanks for the chance to win.


I love your alpha sets. I bought all of the primary colors. Denim perfect for my little farm boy.

Susan @ PaperCrafter's Corner

Gotta love alphabeans! The perfect size & font and seem to work with just about everything!

Lisa Swift

Denim? and Kraft? I am a happy, happy girl. :)


Love the denim and kraft!


Ooh I just bought 6 of the colours and used them today on a LO..they are a fantastic size...love the kraft, denim and white colour.Would lurve to win these...thanks


Love your alphas! I especially love the denim!

Tanya S

Kraft alphas?? Oh my, fabulous!!

Jill D

Love, love, love!

Julie  Shearer

You are so right. You can never have to many Alphas !! Thanks for a chance to win.

Jessica K

Love these alphabeans!

Izzy Anderson

Oh, I love alphabeans. They are the perfect size, and now they come in all the perfect colors too! Super cute!


Love the denium!! These alphabeans are fantastic!

Jean Marmo

OOOHHHH!!! Love the Denim!! All of these alphas are muct haves!!


WAHOO!! I love these- simple font, great colors! Perfection!

Sandy Z.

I am an ALPHA-HOLIC! Gotta have these new ones to match all my other new ones! Thanks again for the chance to win some! Love them all!

Samantha T

OOh, I love these! Looking forward to getting them when they come to my LSS.


Fantastic! These are all such awesome colors too!!!

rebecca delo

Love alphas!!


LOVING these new colors too!!!! Will most definitely be adding these to my alphabean collection!!!

Marcia Scantlin

Love the denim - what a great addition to the collection.


Love the names - whipped white - yum! thanks for the chance to win!

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