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July 03, 2012


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Patty F.

I am so in love with this collection, perfect in every way. One of my favorite memories from my Grandma's is sneaking cookies from the cookie jar and eating them on the big porch swing.


Awesome collection!!!! I think this may become my new favorite! My grandmas both passed away when I was very young but I do remember going to my grandmas for my birthday and she would always give me a cute card and a 5 dollar bill. Back then that was lots of money to a small kid. Miss my grammies lots!!!


Love this collection! I think my favorite memories of Grandma's house are sleeping on the screened in back porch listening to the rain on the tin roof.


I am in LOVE!!! What a great collection...from the colors to the patterns and all the great little sayings!
My favorite memory of my Grandma Toots is of me sitting on the floor next to her in her rocking chair and having her teach me how to crochet. I sure do miss her!!!


Ohhhhh I LOVE JBS goodies!!! When I was young, we'd go to Grandma's house on Friday nights. The grown ups would play cards, and my sister and I would get to watch TV & play with her dog. She liked me best so when we got sleepy, we'd curl up together and go to sleep. :)


WOW, I love this collection! One of my favorite memories of my Grandma is spending all summer in her garden and getting our daily portion of vitamins while walking to every bush and eating berries directly from the plant!


uh, Jill, this is one of my FAVORITE collections that you have came out with!!! Grandma memories.....sneaking strawberries!!!!


Im in all the way love love love it

Kelly Massman

Totally love it! THe button page is especially delightful!

Kate aka stinkydudette

Oooo.... I am loving this collection!!

Jessica K

Loving this collection, makes me think of all the wonderful memories with my grandma.


Oh my gosh, the papers in this colection are just delicious!


Beautiful collection! My favorite memories at Grandma's house all center around family meals and good food!


I loved going to my grandparents' house and playing with the different toys they had stored for the grandkids in a old dresser. Thanks for the chance to win this great collection!


My Grandma's house always smells like sauteed onions and olive oil. When I cook any of her recipes, my house smells just like hers.

Linda Huber

My favorite memory of Grandma's house is the attic. We got to sleep up there when we stayed over. My house didn't have an attic, so this was the ultimate in cool for a young kid.


JUMPING FOR JOY! oh i miss my grandmother... she always had this yummy irish stew cooking or an amazing butterscotch pie... she passed away 11 years ago and i miss her ..


Oh, man! I love that new line!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jennifer Roach

Ohh, LOVE this line! I remember going over to our grandparent's house every Friday night for milk and cookies :)


beautiful collection! love the bold colors :) my favorite memory from my Gram's house would be eating her homemade dill pickles! yummmy!


beautiiful collection, i love de color. thank you for the chance to win

Cyndee K.

LOVE the pops of navy!

Marcia Scantlin

Love the collection, esp. the buttons paper. That's fabulous. I remember eating fresh bread out of the oven at grandmas.


Beautiful! I loved going to grandma's. Her house was so clean, and she made the best fried chicken, and baked the most wonderful cakes. I loved sitting in her kitchen, and watching her cook.

Jennifer Moore

My favorite thing about my Grandma's house was her dining room table. We'd sit at that table for hours, playing Skip-Bo together and eating sandwiches. :) I lost both of my grandmothers when I was in elementary school, and I miss them terribly.

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