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May 04, 2013


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I am totally in love with this collection! Maybe it is the colors. I could cover a room with this paper pack!

Angie S

me, me, me PLEASE! This is GORGEOUS! I think I have an outfit for my daughter that would match perfectly. Isn't that what us scrapbookers do? :) LOVE THIS COLLECTION!

Katherine L

Great collection! All the prizes are awesome!

Yvette Moore

Beautiful! I'd love to have this to play with!


this collection is SO on my wish list-LOVE the colors!!! that first card is so amazing-especially with the pop of white added in!

Miriam Prantner

I love cold soups, and I LOVE this collection!!!

Rosemary Nunn

Awesome collection and LOVE the layout, cards and bouquet!!!


Can I just win everything? Amazing prizes!!


oh....me, me, me!!!! I have been wanting to pick up this collection! I love the colors!!!!

Michele D

I love the colors in this one!!

Connie Van Hooser

I love this paper!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jamie Greene

Beautiful collection!


What a great collection! I love the colors and I LOVE the name!!!


great colors and theme. Love the butterflies

Marcy F.

love the colors.

Rea Custer

Awesome creations and I just love the colors and graphics of "Chilled Cucumber". I don't have it yet so would love to win. Thanks for the chance.


Sweet colors. Thanks for the chance to win!

Iva Rothman

I love, love, love this collection! The colors are so nice and the butterflies are so pretty. Let me win, let me win, let me win.... ;)


Love the color combo in this collection!! Perfect for everything!!

Sandy Heringer

Oh, this is gorgeous! Great collection.

Staci Rae

Love the colours in this collection!!! So beautiful.

Cindy N.

Lovely colors, but the butterflies are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win this collection.

Robin B.

Gorgeous collection, I love yellow!


Love this collection, the colors are amazing.

jackie c.

Such beautiful projects! I love this gorgeous collection.

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